Bringing you the finest music & design directly to you

Straight from the ILL State of mind set.


GrindHouse unique passion for hip hop, we intend to relay the possibilities of customization through our online store, social media and promotion by national & local artist, musicians, viral videos, and trade shows.

The GrindHouse store & DCC is a retailer of merchandising musical instruments and their accessories, located Downtown Harvey IL.

Dave’s convenience store & Cafe will differentiate itself from its direct competitors by marketing the GrindHouse store’s online approach. 

In addition, we will offer a wider selection of products, merchandise, goods, unique clothing retail and more services to reward customer.

With our website, we hope to reach as many regions worldwide as we can. Customers are now be able to order merchandise, products and musical instruments specifications on our website or through an email.

We will ship items right to customer address.




The GrindHouse Store

161 E 154 ST